Listed below are details of the hotels and lodges available. Click on the
column headings to see a list by Hotel or Location.
Our Star Ratings (please note that these are our own personal assessment
of the property overall and not official hotel star ratings).
* | Recommended |
** | Highly Recommended |
*** | The Best |
Accommodation in alphabetical order.
Please note: Click Table Column Titles below to order by column.
Hotel A-Z | Location | Type |
Constance Lemuria** | Praslin Island | Beach Hotel |
Denis Island ** | Denis Island | Beach Hotel |
Desroches Island ** | Desroches Island | Beach Hotel |
Fregate Island *** | Fregate Island | Beach Hotel |
Hilton Labriz** | Silhouette Island | Beach Hotel |
North Island *** | North Island | Beach Hotel |
Four Seasons Resort ** | Mahe Island | Beach Hotel |
Raffles ** | Praslin Island | Beach Hotel |