Listed below are details of the hotels and lodges available for a Madacascan wildlife and beach holiday.
Our Star Ratings (please note that these are our own personal assessment of the property overall and not official hotel star ratings).
* | Recommended |
** | Highly Recommended |
*** | The Best |
Accommodation in alphabetical order.
Please note: Click Table Column Titles below to order by column.
Hotel A-Z | Location | Type |
Anjanjavy *** | Ivato | Luxury Beach Lodge |
Constance Tsarabanjina* | Mitsio Islands | Luxury Tropical Island |
Jardin Du Roy | Parc Nat d'Isalo | Wildereness lodge |
Manafiafy Beach & Rainforest ** | Port Dauphin | Wilderness Beach Lodge |
Mandrare River Camp ** | Ifotaka | Widerness River Lodge |
Tsara Komba** | Nosi Komba | Boutique Beach Hotel |
Vakona Forest Lodge * | Andasibe | Rain Forest Lodge |
Lokanga Hotel | Antananarivo | Boutique Hotel |
Princess Bora** | Ile St Anne | Eco Beach Hotel |
Pavillion de l'Emyrne | Antananarivo | City Boutique Hotel |
Relais de la Reine | Parc Nat d'Isalo | Wilderness Lodge |